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Infinite Patience v3.0 - Beta quality releases
This version is currently for Mac OS X only - do NOT download this version if you use Windows.
The latest windows version is Infinite Patience v2.3.
Download the latest Mac OS X version here:
- InfPatience_64.dmg (MacOS X - 64-bit, for most modern Macs - (Catalina and later)
- InfPat.dmg (MacOS X Universal - 32-bit, for absolutely ancient Macs - Mojave and earlier)
Release History
- Rebuild for modern 64-bit Macs, the 32-bit versions are unlaunchable on them now.
- Preferences - changing color and card back immediately redraw so you can see the effect.
- Bug fix - allow select game to resurrect a closed game window.
- Bug fixing for hinting and automoves.
- Added a hint indicator for Forty Thieves, engage caps lock to use it. Still has a few problems.
- Added a win/lose string at the bottom of the screen to inform the user when the game is stuck.
- Improved automove with more red-on-black smarts for Klondike and FreeCell, and suit-matching smarts for Forty Thieves and Seahaven.
- Added a preference for whether automoves should be performed.
- Improved dragging logic for Spider, now a pile of mixed suits when descending correctly, is allowed to move.
- Improved double-click moving, some games now prefer a suit match (Spider).
- Game menu is now dynamically constructed from GameMenu.plist file - which makes adding new games a little easier.
- New Game: Gargantua (Double Klondike)
- Improved card dropping logic to try the drop onto the stacks in the order of most to least overlap.
- Automoves now implemented for "spider" games: Spider, Mrs. Mop, Willow Wisp.
- Improved card dropping logic to try the drop onto the stacks in the order of most to least overlap.
- Automoves now implemented for some of the "normal" games: Klondike, Seahaven, Forty Thieves.
- Added a new test for another end-game animation to the Edit menu: Fade Away.
- Gaps now allows you to click on the empty spots, and the correct card will fill it in.
- Start of a black-hole game ending animation is available under the Edit menu (just until the kinks are worked out, it will be shown when a game is won).
- Fixed some bugs.
- New Game: Baker's Dozen
- New Game: Beleagured Castle
- New Game: Gaps
- Suggested board sizes: selecting a new game will reset the window size to a reasonable size for that game.
- Scoring for most games.
- More flexible stack movement - any overlap between cards being dropped and destination is sufficient to check for an okay drop. Seems like it might now be a little too sensitve.
- New Game: Club
- Now has a Help file
- Brought over the windows icon (kinda small) for use as the icon.
- New Game: Pyramid
- Various bug fixes
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